Indo Gulf and Middle East Chamber of Commerce is spreading its wings in Middle East Countries by organizing various events in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and UAE.

Our Chairman Dr. N M Sharafudeen along with our Vice Chairman Dr. James Mathew, Director Mr. Mohamed Rafi and our Founder Member Mr. Santhosh Kumaar met with Abdulaziz Mohammed Humaid Al Shamsi, Director General of Communication and Business Sector, Sharjah Chamber of Commerce and held discussions on cooperation of INMECC and Sharjah Chamber of Commerce in various business development activities that are of mutual interest. They also discussed regarding an MOU between the two Chambers that would help in speedy development of activities in areas that are of interest to our members.

Dr. N M Sharafudeen also addressed ‘KASE- ODEPC Employers Connectivity Meet’ in Dubai conducted by INMECC in association with FICCI on 26th September 2022. He had discussions with Mr. Ahamed Devarkovil Honorable Minister of Ports, Museum, Archeology & Archives, Government of Kerala and the ODEPC Team in Dubai who were present in the connectivity meet.

Earlier Mr. Ahamed Kabeer, Vice Chairman INMECC had addressed the ‘KASE- ODEPC Employers Connectivity Meet’ held in Riyadh by INMECC in association with FICCI.